Zen Stoicism: Tenet 6 - Suffering is Rooted in Craving

Life is not without challenges, but a significant source of our suffering is self-created. Zen Stoicism's sixth tenet, Suffering is Rooted in Craving, highlights how clinging to desires and expectations leads to unhappiness.

We often crave things we don't have, experiences we haven't lived, or outcomes we can't control. When these desires are not met, or reality falls short of our expectations, we experience frustration, disappointment, and suffering.

The antidote to this suffering is cultivating a sense of non-attachment. This doesn't mean living without goals or desires; it's about letting go of the need to control the outcome and finding fulfillment in the journey itself.

Why Does Craving Lead to Suffering?

How to Cultivate Non-Attachment:

By recognizing how craving fuels suffering and cultivating non-attachment, you can find greater peace and acceptance in life's ever-changing circumstances. This allows you to appreciate what you have and find joy in the present moment.

Learn more about the core principles of Zen Stoicism.


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