Zen Stoicism: Tenet 4 - Reason Over Emotion

Life can be emotionally charged, and our feelings can sometimes cloud our judgment. Zen Stoicism's fourth tenet, Reason Over Emotion, emphasizes the importance of using logic and clear thinking to navigate challenges. While emotions are a natural part of the human experience, acting impulsively based on them can lead to poor decisions.

This tenet doesn't mean suppressing emotions; it's about acknowledging them and then using reason to guide your actions.

Why Prioritize Reason Over Emotion?

How to Practice Reason Over Emotion:

By prioritizing reason over emotion, you gain greater control over your reactions and make decisions that are aligned with your values and long-term goals. Life will inevitably present challenges, but using logic as your compass will help you navigate them with greater clarity and resilience.

Learn more about the core principles of Zen Stoicism.


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